
The Progressive Education Network of New York


PENNY Schools Building Community and Curiosity

PENNY Schools Building Community and Curiosity

This story was originally posted on the Teaching Channel: In New York City, educators attend thoughtfully designed learning visits at schools in order to share promising practices across the city. This video series, produced by Showcase Schools, features two schools...

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City-As-School Featured in NYT piece

City-As-School Featured in NYT piece

Read more about the City-as-School program in this NYT piece that explores the value of experiential and problem-based learning, approaches that are both firmly rooted in progressive practice. The article also includes a link to a more comprehensive look at the...

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PENNY Spring Conference

PENNY Spring Conference

Our March 10, 2018 conference exploring the theme of progressive education in practice was a resounding success. More than 100 educators gathered at City-as-School to explore how progressive practices live in public and private schools across New York City...

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October PENNY Quarterly Meeting

October PENNY Quarterly Meeting

The October PENNY Quarterly meeting featured a spirited panel discussion about the possibilities and promises of progressive education framed by the question, "“What does democratic ED look like in a progressive school?" The panel discussion was moderated by Bank...

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Progressive Leadership: Building Schools that Educate for Democracy How do the leaders of progressive schools support, protect, and celebrate progressive philosophy and teaching? As leaders of public, charter, and independent schools we feel a sense of urgency in both...

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Images from edcamp Progressive Education NY

Images from edcamp Progressive Education NY

progressive education NY is a day of collaboration and learning that seeks to build a shared understanding of progressive principles and what they look like in practice in our classrooms and schools today. It is a day grounded in progressive pedagogy and practice with a critical lens focused on access, equity and activism.

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It’s Time to Take #PENNYaction!

It’s Time to Take #PENNYaction!

On January 20th, Inauguration Day, The Progressive Education Network of New York asked supporters to post pictures and text from their schools and classrooms that provided examples of learners engaged in experiences grounded in progressive pedagogy and, where possible, connected to the election and education for democracy.

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Spring School Visits

Spring School Visits

PENNY Schools will be hosting visits February 17 through March 7th, 2025. Connecting progressive educators and their schools is a cornerstone of PENNY’s mission. School visits are one way that we seek to deepen progressive practice, establish connections between...

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Journey to Nia™ Full-day Retreat

Journey to Nia™ Full-day Retreat

We wanted to share with you that a call is out for participants for the 2024 Journey to Nia Retreat + Coaching  happening on Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 8:30am (ET)-5:00pm. Lead facilitator Takiema Bunche Smith has dedicated her whole career to deeply supporting...

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Central Park East Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration

Central Park East Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration

  Dear CPE Families and Friends, Please share widely! In September 1974, Central Park East opened its doors.  This year, your family is invited to celebrate our fiftieth anniversary. Please click here to see October events.  You are invited to a film screening on...

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Institute on Descriptive Inquiry Fall Conference

Institute on Descriptive Inquiry Fall Conference

PENNY is proud to be a co-sponsor of ... The Institute of Descriptive InquiryFall Conference in New York CitySaturday, November 16th, 20249 am - 3 pm City-As-School High School16 Clarkson Street, NY, NY Morning nosh and lunch providedSuggested donation: $15-30...

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