This story was originally posted on the Teaching Channel:

In New York City, educators attend thoughtfully designed learning visits at schools in order to share promising practices across the city. This video series, produced by Showcase Schools, features two schools that shared promising practices in creating culturally responsive and sustaining education experiences. To support educators, New York State developed a Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework and has four principles driving this work:
Four Principles

As you’re watching the videos, ask yourself or together with a group of colleagues:

  • Where do you see these principles cultivated, present, and actionable?
  • What immediate takeaways do you have for your own practice?
  • What is one thing that you/we can adapt to be a more culturally responsive learning environment?

We hope that these school glimpses provide concrete ideas, practices, and movement toward supporting all our learners this school year. We encourage you to look further into the CR-SE framework for additional ideas on creating more culturally responsive and sustaining educational spaces.

Empathy & Community

Culturally Responsive Education: Serving a Diverse Community of Learners
The Castle Bridge School

The Castle Bridge School is a pre-K-5 elementary school located in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City.

Castle Bridge is an inclusive, dual language, progressive, and integrated elementary school. With a diverse student body that reflects a wide range of learning styles and needs, its mission is to foster learning in an atmosphere of inclusiveness and empathy, reflecting the richness of its community.

Questions are More Important Than Answers

Authentic Learning: Cultivating and Supporting a Culturally Diverse School
The Brooklyn New School

P.S. 146 The Brooklyn New School (BNS), located in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, serves grades pre-K-5. BNS was established in 1987 by parents and teachers who shared a vision of a child-centered school for a diverse student body.

Teacher teams design in-depth studies composed of carefully selected experiences. From a field trip to the school basement, to “green recess,” to a robotics programming class, this preK- 5 school provides a curriculum rich in creative inquiry, where multiple perspectives are seen as assets and where student agency and students’ questions are considered more important than the answers.

Here’s a list of additional professional resources and take a look at more videos and resources from Showcase Schools on Teaching Channel!